Let me take you back 9 years...I was about to start my sixth grade year at Hand Middle School and I had to get my hair done. (and we all know that 12/13 is a big fat awkward year for girls!) So my Meme took me to get a TRIM. I explained to the lady not to go near my bangs, I was growing them out, and just to take an inch off the back. Well... After I got those words out of my mouth she took my bangs and hacked them off, I don't mean an inch or two, I'm talking like 7- they were hanging ,
maybe, two inches from my scalp. Oh My Goodness. I seriously had to stop myself from yanking those scissors out of her hand and throwing them at her face. All I could do was cry, cry, cry, and cry some more! Ofcourse my Meme is saying "ohh it'll grow back in no time", I didn't want it to grow back in "no time" I wanted them back NOW- For crying out loud it looked like I had a MULLET! How on earth was I suppose to start
MIDDLE SCHOOL WITH A MULLET?!!!!?? (Its okay to laugh, Im passed it-sort of) Needless to say, I didn't go to the first two days of school... ( I would show a picture, but then someone could take it and plaster it everywhere! Ha)
Fast forward to now....I have found my hair mate.
One of my closest friends told me about Christine (every time I say her name I hear angels in my head sing hallelujah hallelujah) and I finally decided I should do something with these locks of mine. I made my appointment, my mom went with me, and as soon as I sat in her chair I started to break out in hives! Im telling you, I had serious hair anxiety. She must've been thinking this girl is a freak, why did Crystal send her to me! We started talking, I became more lax, and said I need a serious trim and I want highlights! I had pictures to show her of exactly what I was looking for and not only did she deliver - it was way better than I had envisioned! She is the BOMB-DIGGITY! After the hour I was there I not only walked out feeling relieved, looking good, but I had made an awesome friend and hair-mate for life! So now, Im like lets DO THIS! I want to go RED! Here are some pictures of what I want, What do you think? Yay or Nay? ( I would really appreciate feedback friends)

GO RED or GO HOME is my motto for Saturday!
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