
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Sista' Surprise

About two weeks ago Autumn, my sister, said that she was going to be coming home this weekend. Then, last week, she informed us she wouldn't be able to make it because of a social. Well... Yesterday I found out that she WAS going to be coming- YAY! So I got to spend a little bit of time with her (a little is better than nothing). Here is a picture from late last night..

It's funny... As I get older and I hug my family it becomes more than a hello hug. I'm not quite sure what you would call it, but I find myself hugging my sister tighter and longer than I used to. I guess its because deep down I know they will slowly get fewer and far between. By no means am I saying I won't see her, but a hug every six weeks from her makes me sad. Bleh... Done with the gushy stuff.

Do  you have any fun weekend plans?



  1. aw how cute you and your sister look alike.

  2. I love this Summer. As the mom to the most wonderful girls in the entire world, I am blessed that you both understand the meaningof family and cherish the time we have when we are together. I love you so much that you will never know:) You are my RAYE of Sunshine matter where you are:)

  3. Ooh Autumn and Summer.. totally adorable! You guys look alike too! I feel like as I get older, I get closer and closer to my family too. I think we learn to appreciate them and the things that they do more! Hope you have an awesome weekend!
